A Prayer for 2022.

LORD protect me from bitterness,
& from arrogance in my heart.

Protect me from indifference,
& from a love that is tepid.

Protect me from the thoughts that accuse within,
& from those that attack without.

Protect me from pride,
& from the way that I would make for myself.

Protect me from greed,
& from a mindset of scarcity.

Protect me from too much
& also from too little.

Protect me from the easy way,
& from all the ‘glittering’ things.

Protect me from too much drink,
& from the mind that desires it.

Protect me from gossiping lips,
& from unfruitful words.

Protect me from too little celebration,
& from mourning overmuch.

Protect me from the lust of my eyes,
& from the pride of life.

Protect me from joyless work,
& from unprofitable rest.

Protect me from Ennui,
& from noon’s Acedia

Protect me from all evil,
& from the devil and his snares.

Protect me from myself,
& from my wandering heart.

And keep me LORD, O Keep me,
in your love forever.

A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction where one grows weary of life - arising from a lack of occupation or excitement (See Charles Baudelaire’s poem “To the Reader”)

A state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one's position or condition in the world. In ancient Greece akidía literally meant an inert state without pain or care.
‘The noonday demon’ according to John Cassin. (See Psalm 91:6 – “the destruction that wastes at noonday.” or “the disaster that strikes at midday.”)


The New Year